Spectrum specializes in printing and marketing solutions, increasing your brand recognition and growing your business.
years of experience
The Right
Personalized Service For Your Business Needs
Spectrum specializes in marketing solutions, increasing your brand recognition and growing your business. We are the ONE source for all of your printing, promotional products, apparel, direct mail, graphic design, web & social media design needs.
We pride ourselves in providing you with the best customer service care. We prove it by connecting you with a person who is ready and happy to serve you when you call. Feel free to pick up the phone, email us, connect with us on social media. We’d love to talk with you..
Jim Bulluck

Founded Spectrum in 1987. The idea for the Spectrum model came from observing printing companies all over the Southeast in his job with a large paper distributor. He served as owner/operator for 29 years before retiring and turning the reigns over to Michele and Kim. He couldn’t be more proud of the growth that they have brought to Spectrum. Their expertise and commitment to brand quality is unparalleled.
Kim Bulluck

Kim's career with Spectrum Printing and Marketing has developed greatly over the past 26 years. She started with the company as a customer service rep and later grew into an account manager role. She is now a partner. Each position taught her many valuable lessons on brand management. She currently works to source the right products for the client’s needs. Kim prides herself on providing products that reflect the client’s brand identity. She is a wife and mother of two teenage girls and enjoys living on the coast and spending as much time as possible on the beach and waterways.
Michele Thompson

Michele has been in the printing business for the past 28 years. She helps clients achieve their marketing goals and provide promotional products that enhance their brand image. It is her mission to ensure that Spectrum creates products that accurately reflect the clients' brand and the quality of product or service they provide. Consistency is key for our clients, especially for those with multiple locations. We ensure that their branded products, printing, forms, uniforms, etc. are consistent regardless of location. As a wife and mother of four, and grandmother of two, Michele stays busy outside of work enjoying her family.